Category: Financial Services
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Analysis & Opinion, Financial Services, Technology
PremiumINTERVIEW: Older KYC methods and compliance frameworks ‘just don’t work,’ argues Comply Advantage CEO and advocate of a tech-based future
INSIGHT: Goldman Sachs invests heavily in AML specialist ComplyAdvantage
Analysis & Opinion, Compliance News, EU/Europe, Financial Services
PremiumFrom ‘risky’ to ‘a big step forward’; AML expert in Sweden’s finance watchdog praises EU’s latest plan on centralised anti-money laundering supervision
Swiss anti-money laundering authorities believe millions in COVID relief funding has been scammed and laundered by mafia
Banking, EU/Europe, Financial Services, Technology
PremiumNEWS UPDATE: German regulator gives N26 a dressing down and orders the online bank to shore up its AML defences
Banking, EU/Europe, Financial Services
PremiumBREAKING: EU will ban cash transactions of more than €10,000. ‘We want clean euros, not dirty ones,’ says Finance Commissioner; new AML Action Plan will be a ‘Big Bang’ solution, she predicts
Banking, Compliance News, EU/Europe, Financial Services
Malta grants AML powers to agencies involved with business registration, real estate and precious materials trade
Analysis & Opinion, EU/Europe, Financial Services
EBF CHIEF WIM MIJS: How to ramp up Europe’s fight against money laundering; why GDPR is not the problem and how the banks and law enforcement can work better to turn the tide on dirty money
Analysis & Opinion, Banking, EU/Europe, Financial Services