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AML, Financial Crime, Fraud, US

LATEST: US judge accepts Danske Bank guilty plea in $2BN pact to end Estonia probe

DANSKE GUILTY: “Danske Bank lied to US banks about its deficient anti-money laundering systems, inadequate transaction monitoring capabilities, and its high-risk, offshore customer base in order to gain unlawful access to the U.S. financial system,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. PHOTO: Danske Bank

A US judge on Thursday accepted Danske Bank’s guilty plea to a bank fraud conspiracy charge and agreement to pay more than $2 billion to end probes into anti-money laundering failures in a now-shuttered branch in Estonia.

US District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald accepted the plea at a hearing in Manhattan federal court, with Danske’s senior general counsel in attendance.

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