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British regulatory body for solicitors finds significant deficiencies in firms’ AML regimes, says one in five firms “had never conducted an audit”
Three Chinese nationals face laundering charges after tax fraud scheme found to have disguised dirty money as restaurant profits.

BREAKING: Proposal to ban cash purchases over €10,000 circulated to European governments as Commission mulls new AML regime; Germany not happy

Two men sentenced in UK following probe into extensive multi-million-pound laundering network

Analysis & Opinion, Compliance News, EU/Europe
PremiumEurope’s FIUs come in for harsh criticism in think-tank report which describes the units as ‘bottlenecks’ and castigates the EU’s AML regime

EU leaders are calling for more sanctions on Russia after Navalny’s arrest and Kremlin’s brutal crackdown on protestors. But flinging punches at its largest oil and gas exporter can prove costly for Europe.

Banking, EU/Europe, Financial Services
PremiumINSIGHT: Up to half of Russian dirty money could flow through UK; expert claims criminals find it ‘too easy’ to set up shell companies in Britain

Compliance News, EU/Europe, Financial Services
PremiumFormer British cybersecurity chief warns insurance companies are financing organised crime through compliance with fraudsters; says problems is ‘close to getting out of control’

Analysis & Opinion, Compliance News, EU/Europe, North America