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Banking, Compliance, News, UK

NEWS: NatWest boss Alison Rose broke data rules over Farage – finding; internal messages show staff gloated when politician was de-banked

DE-BANKED: Controversy around how UK financial institutions interact with PEPs erupted last year. This came after it emerged that Alison Rose, the chief executive of Coutts’s owner, NatWest, had discussed the matter of Nigel Farage’s bank account with a BBC journalist. Today the FCA issued its findings on how banks deal with PEPs.

IT’S BEEN REVEALED that workers at NatWest gloated about the closure of British politician Nigel Farage’s bank accounts and boasted they had “single-handedly driven him out of the country.” Separately, Britain’s Information Commissioner’s has found ex ceo Alison Rose twice breached data protection laws when she spoke to a journalist about the closure of Nigel…

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