NEWS: Calls for overhaul of UK sanctions regime as it’s revealed daughter (8) of sanctioned Kremlin insider owns £2.3M home; widespread evasion revealed
THE EIGHT-year-old daughter of one of Vladimir Putin’s former regional governors owns a £2.3 million flat in Kensington, it’s been revealed today.
The disclosure was amongst several around Russian sanctions evasion revealed by media and Transparency International (TI).
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Germany: EPPO carries out searches at bank in €200 million VAT fraud investigation
European Public Prosecutor's Office
(Luxembourg, 6 December 2024) – The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Berlin (Germany) has conducted searches at a bank in Munich in a probe into a possible €200 million VAT fraud. Under investigation is the managing director of a company, who is suspected to have founded the company with the sole purpose of creating a fictitious business identity to process transactions via his company’s bank accounts.
Monetary Authority takes disciplinary action against China CITIC Bank International Limited for contraventions of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced today (6 December) that it had completed an investigation and disciplinary proceedings for China CITIC Bank International Limited (CITIC) under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Chapter 615 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (AMLO) (Note 1). The Monetary Authority (MA) has imposed a pecuniary penalty of HK$4,000,000 against CITIC for contraventions of the AMLO.
AUSTRAC takes action to stamp out financial crime through cryptocurrency ATMs
AUSTRAC is cracking down on cryptocurrency ATM providers in Australia who don’t comply with the country’s anti-money laundering regime.
AUSTRAC intelligence shows cryptocurrency poses a heightened money laundering risk, and is increasingly being exploited for money laundering, scams and money mule activities.
An internal AUSTRAC cryptocurrency taskforce has been established to ensure digital currency exchanges (DCEs) that provide crypto ATM services meet minimum standards and have robust practices in place to identify and minimise the risk that their machines will be used to move money associated with scams, fraud or other proceeds of crime.