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ABAC, AML, CFT, EU/Europe, Financial Crime, Schuman, UAE

INSIGHT: EU drugs mafias now pose same threat as ISIS, reveals Belgium’s justice minister; hails new extradition treaty with UAE to uproot Dubai-based gangs

WARNING: “If you look at organised crime, the methods they use, I would say they are subversive methods. Ten years ago they were attacking each other and now they’re attacking the state,” says Belgium's justice minister Vincent Van Quickenborne. “They’re attacking journalists, judges, magistrates and they’re even attacking politicians. So you could easily talk about a real threat to our country.”

By AML Intelligence Correspondents

THE INTERNATIONAL DRUGS MAFIA now poses as big a threat to Belgium’s national security as Islamic State terrorists who bombed Brussels six years ago, the country’s justice minister has said.

AML Intelligence
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